We are excited to expand the availability of Tool Connect™ Site Manager to other parts of the world. If you live in Canada you can start leveraging Site Manager. If you already have a Tool Connect™ account in Canada you can login to Site Manager with your existing login and all of your tools will be accessible.
Users in Canada can invite users who have accounts in the United States and vice-versa.
To switch your country start by visiting https://sitemanager.dewalt.com/
You will be prompted to select your country. If the country you want is not selected click on the 'Select you Country' dropdown.
Click on the country you wish to use then click 'Continue'.
You will be presented with the login screen with your selected country noted. If you do not have an account you can click 'Sign Up' to create an account. Your account will be created in the country you selected. Follow these directions here: 1.3 Creating a DEWALT® Tool Connect™ Account
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