To add tools you must be the account Administrator or Site Admin, account Managers cannot add tools to an account.
1. There are two ways to add non-connected tools to your account: You can upload a spreadsheet of tools via the Import function or add tools one at a time.
Add tools one at a time
2. Click the + icon - ‘Add New’ in the top right corner of the screen, and a window will appear.
3. If you are adding a DEWALT tool you can save some time by typing in the model number which will autofill information about the tool.
Start by typing in a model number and adding a description. Fill in as much detail as you have about the tool as possible, the more information you provide the more ways the tool can be searched and found.
4. Categories are a crucial but often overlooked aspect of inventory management. By assigning categories to tools, you can easily filter and organize your inventory, making it easier to manage and report on.
Select from the drop-down menu under which category the tool should be organized or click "Add" button.
5. Type the new name category and Click "SAVE".
6. Click on the drop-down menu to select the tool status.
7. Under the Assignment section, you can specify where the tool should be assigned, either to a project, job site, truck, or warehouse.
Additionally, you have the option to "Add" a new assignment if needed and enter a start and end date to help you keep track of the assigned tool.
8. While it may seem extra work, it is crucial to emphasize to end users that the more information they input into the system, the better the output will be.
Enter the manufacture, purchase date, serial number, price, and notes.
Additionally, when entering tool information in the system, end users have the option to add a cost code under the Custom field.
This is useful for tracking expenses and allocating costs to specific projects or departments. This is because the power of the system lies not only in tracking tools but also in the data it provides.
Click "Save".
9. You will see the new tool added to your inventory.
Importing a List of Tools
If you already have an inventory management program or are tracking tools with a product like Excel, Site Manager is designed to import a large number of tools, Assignments, and People. Site Manager provides a guided step by step approach to getting your information uploaded.
First you will need to export a CSV file of your current inventory from your existing inventory management program. Next, log into Site Manager as an administrator (See Administrator Role (Tool Connect Site Manager) Then click on the Import option on the left hand side of the screen.
To add your information you will to import it in steps.
First you will need to upload your Assignments, we recommend downloading the sample CSV file so that you can copy your information correctly into the formatted file. Once you have completed copying all assignments into this file, return to Site Manager and select ‘Select Completed File’ to upload your CSV of assignments.
Second, you will want to upload a list of People who will have access to your inventory (See Manager Role (Tool Connect Site Manager) Again, we recommend downloading the sample People CSV file so that you can copy your information correctly into the formatted file. Once you have completed copying all People into this file, return to Site Manager and select ‘Select Completed File’ to upload a CSV list of People.
Lastly, you will upload your inventory into Site Manager. Download the sample Inventory CSV file so that you can copy your information correctly into the formatted file. Once you have completed copying all Inventory into this file, return to Site Manager and select ‘Select Completed File’ to upload your CSV of Inventory.
When you return to the main Inventory view you will now see all of your inventory has been loaded into Site Manager. You can now add Inventory to Assignments of your choosing, and give managers permission to the Assignments for which they will be responsible.
Inventory View With Imported Inventory
Assignment View With Imported Assignments
People View With Imported Managers
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