On the Web
If you need to make changes to the frequency of audits email toolconnectsupport@sbdinc.com for all other changes start on the Inventory screen of the Site Manager website. Either search for or click on the Gateway in your inventory list.
A new window will appear with the details of your Gateway. You can edit things like assignment, inventory number, etc. When you are done click ‘Save’ to update any changes you made.
On the mobile app
If you need to make changes to the frequency of audits email toolconnectsupport@sbdinc.com for all other changes start on the Inventory screen of the Site Manager Mobile app and tap on the three dots on the right hand side to reveal the options menu then tap ‘Edit Details’.
The edit screen will appear and you can make changes to things like assignment, inventory number, etc. When you are done tap ‘Save’ to update any changes you have made.
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