Drive belt and pulley wheel removal from the DW733 Bench Planer
AnsweredHi, can anyone help I am trying to remove the drive belt on my new DeWalt DW 733 gb TYPE 2 Which has never been switched on althoug it's ove a year old now as I wante to fit a helical cutterhead and I have tried everything to get the new belt off, I also believe getting the pulley wheel off is really difficult also, I've seen some people say use a couple of claw hammers to prise th whee off but I'm worried I'll damage the machine as the total investment now is heading towards a £1,000 for the machine the helical cutterhead and a Wixey digital readout which is a lot of money for me and id hate to screw it up before I even get to use , if you know what I mean.
It would have been easier if it had snapped and I was just putting a replacement back on, I think lol.
Any good advice would be gratefully appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Stephen McLachlan
Taking into account that we don't provide technical support, we don't have nor provide assembly/disassembly instructions. You may ask to a bench planer expert you may know or service center technician.
Or you can see some videos like the following ones: a nice day.
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