The compressor D55151 is not registered with CRN. As per ASME, there’s nothing in the rating plate, packing, or Instruction manual that references ASME either. D55151 is designed for ASME calculations but is not certified.
As per the technical team:
“D55146, D55167, and D55168 are ASME certified. All others are designed for the ASME calculations, but, do not carry an ASME data tag”
** +the compressor D55151 is not registered with CRN. As per ASME, there’s nothing in the rating plate, packing, or Instruction manual that references ASME either. D55151 is designed for ASME calculations but is not certified.
As per the technical team:
“D55146, D55167, and D55168 are ASME certified. All others are designed for the ASME calculations, but, do not carry an ASME data tag"
There is no certificate for CRN or ASME all information in this regard is on the compressors data tag
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