Scanning for Tool Connect enabled tools allows you to use Bluetooth to scan for your Inventory in your immediate area.
On the Web
Scanning for tools is not available through the Tool Connect Site Manager website at this time. Please check back regularly, as new features will be released continuously.
In the Mobile App
You can choose to scan for a group of tools by scanning from an Assignment, or for individual tools from the Inventory section.
Individual Tools
To scan for an individual tool, first tap on the Inventory option on the bottom of the screen. Then tap on the three dots to the right of a Tool Connect enabled tool and tap Scan. Please note that you do not have to press the button on any of the Tool Connect Tools or tags for the tool to be detected by Site Manager.
The app will scan for the tool and, if detected, will display the signal strength to the tool (in dB) and provide visual feedback about how close or far away you are from a given tool.
If the tool is not detected, you will be returned to the Inventory screen.
Identifying a Tool
If you have scanned a Tool Connect tool, battery, connector, or tag but cannot visually see it Site Manager allows you to flash the LED light on the tool. To flash the LED light you will need to be in Bluetooth range of the tool, battery, connector, or tag.
Start in the Inventory view and tap on the three dots to the right of the tool, battery, connector, or tag name that you wish to identify.
A menu of options will appear, tap on the ‘Identify’ option and Site Manager will start searching for your item.
Once Site Manager has connected with your item the LED on the tool, battery, connector, or tag will start flashing. If Site Manager does not connect to the tool, battery, connector, or tag you can tap ‘Retry’ to try again or tap ‘Close’ to finish.
Multiple Tools
To scan for multiple tools, first tap on the ‘Detect’ option on the bottom of the screen.
Then tap the dropdown box to choose the assignment in which you want to perform a scan, then tap 'Start Bluetooth Scan'.
Site Manager will scan for 20 seconds for any Tool Connect devices nearby.
When the scan is complete you will be taken to the assignment and the tools that have been audited are now moved to the ‘Audited’ tab, with any tools that were not detected shown under the ‘Needs Audit’ tab.
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